Mathcad combines a powerful computational engine, accessed through conventional math notation, with a full-featured word processor and graphing tools. Complete projects quickly with the help of expert documentation, sample applications and context-sensitive Help. Mathcad automates many tasks, including unit balancing and recalculation, saving you time and reducing errors.
Calculate, model, and visualize your ideas
Mathcad has hundreds of built-in functions and operators. Use Mathcad to perform numeric calculations or find symbolic solutions. Mathcad works with a wide variety of numeric and data types, and automatically tracks and converts units.
Mathcad’s 2D and 3D graphs update along with changes in your calculations. Plot types include Cartesian, polar, surface, contour, bar, scatter and vector-field plots. A picture operator gives you the same interactive display for image processing applications. Any part of a Mathcad document can be animated, including numerical results, graphs and images.
Document your calculations
Mathcad automatically recalculates your equations, redraws your graphs, and updates your results whenever you change a variable.
Verify, validate, and annotate your solutions
By integrating text, formulas and graphs in a single worksheet, you can easily visualize, illustrate and annotate calculation work. Your entire solution is contained and documented in one place. Formatting options and templates let you prepare documents to exact specifications.
Engineering calculations and design work documented in Mathcad are easier to read, verify and validate because all of the key assumptions, equations, methodology and results are documented in natural math notation. The calculations can be read and understood by others, which dramatically improves design verification, validation, and audit processes.
Integrate data across software and systems
Mathcad features interoperability and connectivity with many popular desktop and engineering applications.
Share publication-quality worksheets across your entire extended engineering organization in Mathcad, print, XML, PDF, or Web formats - enabling others to collaborate on design projects or simply view worksheets.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
pass: www.udnamafaza.com