Creating and Importing
· Text headings can use any TrueType font.
· Full text control, including alignment, superscript, line spacing, tracking and kerning values for individual characters or over whole selections
· Instant access to full character sets from within the text dialog
· Create non-text headings by importing 2D graphics as Windows metafiles (WMF and EMF) or CorelXARA/Webster files (XAR and WEB) and extruding the outlines
· An automatic design-making tool instantly converts any text heading into a button, board or board with holes
· Full anti-aliasing for the best possible on-screen display quality.
Editing and Applying Special Effects
· Interactive control over the 3D extrude depth - simply click and drag on the image
· Unlimited undo makes experimentation easy
· Real-time 3D positioning around three axes by simply dragging the image on screen
· Areas of text can be selected, and different attributes such as bevel, color, fonts, textures, animation and text settings applied
· The Style Picker allows you to easily grab any or all of the settings of one image and apply them to another
· A total of 27 different bevel types with adjustable bevel size
· Interactive, easy-to-use lighting controls (three adjustable light arrows which can be dragged on-screen)
· Flexible interactive controls over the color and/or texture of every part of the image, and the background
· A total of 37 textures are included in the download, and there are 400+ on the CD-ROM you receive when you purchase. You can also import your own GIF or PNG files
· Textures can be scaled, rotated and colored
· Images can be displayed with front and back faces, or can be made hollow
· Images can be matt or shiny
· Images can have a soft-edged shadow and an intuitive interface allows you to easily alter the shadow blur, transparency and color
· Real-time solid shading with optional error-diffusion dithering for top quality results.
· Images can be animated in many different ways (see examples), such as Rotate, Fade, Pulsate, Step, Fade and Swing, using a simple interface - see screenshot
· The Animation Picker lets you easily copy the animation settings of one image to another - see screenshot
· Apply different animations to individual characters or sections of text
· Step-through multi-page animations of different images
· The number of frames in a sequence, the rotation direction, the speed, pause and number of loops can all be selected through simple controls
· An animation time line allows you to step through each frame, pause and export a single frame
· Lights and text can be rotated separately
· Great for creating animated buttons.
Exporting your results
· Outputs JPEG, GIF, BMP, PNG (including full PNG alpha channel), ICO (icon), CUR (cursor), animated GIF, AVI and SWF (vector and bitmap)
· Any 3D animation can also be exported as a screensaver
· Optional background transparency
· Color reduction and palette-optimization for maximum quality with the smallest file size, ideal for web pages and presentations - see screenshot
· Complete control over the image size, including a handy Fit To Width feature (with pixel size shown on screen).

pass: www.udnamafaza.com